Forex Euro The Euro is the official currency in many countries of the so-called Eurozone (Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Greece and Cyprus). Of course, the Euro is freely convert and in other countries. The eurocurrency use 7 European countries and some countries that are not members of the European Union. Thus, the Euro is used by more than 500 million people in the world. The original idea was to use the Euro as the single currency of the common market (EEC), so it was replaced ECU - conditional unit of the EEC. According to data for 2006, in the form of cash, the currency was used in the amount of 610 billion euros. Thus, the Euro is on the 2nd place at the 1st proudly USD. And the dollar and the Euro are the world's reserve currencies. Pair Forex Euro dollar actively bought and sold on the stock exchange, accounting for almost half of all transactions during the European and Ameri...
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